Sky and telescope real time face of mars
Sky and telescope real time face of mars

You will be able to discern the white polar caps of Mars, as well as its orangey-red rocky regions. With even a small, basic telescope, you can see an amazing amount of detail on the faces of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Strong binoculars will show you some details, such as the four moons of Jupiter and Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, but for a closer focus you will need a telescope. You can see the bigger ones – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, as larger twinkles with the naked eye, but for closer detail you will need powerful binoculars or a telescope. These two always appear to be moving quickly through the sky, and tend to show up close to the sun before the sunrise or after the sunset.

sky and telescope real time face of mars sky and telescope real time face of mars

There are only two planets closer to the sun than the earth – Mercury and Venus. These planets appear in the night sky at times relating to their journey around the earth, and also relating to the earth’s own orbit. There are 8 planets in the solar system including the earth which all revolve around the sun (forget everything you learned at school Pluto was demoted to “dwarf planet” status in 2008)! If you are looking into stargazing as a new hobby, or if you need a bit of a refresher, read on… Planets in the solar system The Bresser Classic 70/350 Refractor is perfect for those on a budget who still wish to see some beautiful imagery of things on this earth as well as off it. If you are a gadget fiend and you are looking for a scope that can be controlled with your smartphone, try the Celestron 22204 5″AstroFI Scmidt-Cassegrain. The Meade Polaris 130EQ MD Reflector Telescope is an all round, best-buy telescope that gives great images for a decent price. What are you wanting to look at? How far away do you want to see? What sort of conditions will you be viewing from? We have a selection of telescopes listed below that will take away the hard work of browsing the internet looking for the best telescope for viewing planets. If you’re searching for a new telescope, there are a few things you should consider.

Sky and telescope real time face of mars