You might want to pick the “Royal Fortress” skin which will give you 25% increase damage to buildings (plus 5% reduce damage to your tower). When you’ve reached level 100 in the game, you’ll have access to the tower skins that give you some passive buff.
Alternatively, you can use the “watch ad” to upgrade them instead of paying gold. Like the “Storage” in your city, you can also upgrade your castles so that they can produce more gold/increase the amount of gold that you can collect from it each time. Hence, you might want to re-configure your tower setup when conquering castles like changing the modules, changing the line-up of units, etc. During a siege, you’ll have to make sure you damage the defense gate of the castle that you are attacking - much like that you produce the wave of enemies attacking their own fortress. Take note that castle battles have somewhat a different arrangement than the regular tower defense battles. Their castles will look something like the image above. There are three kinds of enemies in the game, bandits, undead, and orcs. The castles differ in appearance depending on the race of enemies that you are trying to conquer. When you are in the kingdom view, you’ll be able to see the different points of interests that you can attack. If you tend to play longer than your idle hours, you’ll be able to earn more from farming on your conquered castles than your mine.Ĭonquering Castles - you can conquer other castles or monster installations outside your city when you pick the “Map” option on your main hub. The more outposts/installations you conquer in the kingdom, the more gold you can farm every after a few minutes. Additionally, it is through the kingdom that you can generate gold continuously - from the castles that you’ve conquered. The kingdom is a good alternative to earn gold and experience especially if you are stuck in a wave level in the campaign. Depending on what you are attacking too, enlisting the proper combination of units will make a huge difference when fighting the enemy waves. If for instance you are attacking a castle, you might want to check on your top module and pick the catapult (in exchange for the archers) to increase your damage to castles. That said, you should also be mindful of your setup of units and modules within the tower (and sometimes artifacts too). However, take note that you wouldn’t be able to bring the turrets with you. The kingdom view will offer you an additional venue to battle and bring your attack tower with you. To get to the kingdom view, simply pick the “Map” option while you are in the main hub.